Purchase Order Complete processing with GST and Stock Maintain | Receipt Note- purchase - Order Outstanding Pre-Closed & Rejections Out and Debit Note in Tally Prime

अगर आप किसी company से goods purchase करते है तो आप ये कैसे decide करते है कि आपको कौन-कौन से goods को कितनी Quantity में buy करना है? अक्सर हमारे बिज़नेस में बहुत सारे goods हम अलग-अलग companies से buy करते है ऐसे में आपको उन goods को Maintain करना काफी मुश्किल हो जाता है? आज हम इसी topic पर बात करेगे की Tally में Order processing क्या है? Tally में Purchase order की Entry कैसे करे? order processing in tally in Hindi पूरी जानकारी के लिए इस वीडियो को देखें । About this video-If you buy goods from a company, then how do you decide which goods you want to buy and in what quantity? Often in our business, we buy many goods from different companies, in such a situation it becomes very difficult for you to maintain those goods? Today we will talk on this topic that what is order processing in Tally? How to enter Purchase order in Tally? Order processing in tally in Hindi Watch this video for complete information. ***************************************************************** Our other videos:- ☑️Tally Prime For Beginners Download & install ,Create Company ,Security Control, Valut Password, Split Company Data , Backup & Restore    • Tally Prime Download & install ,Creat...   ☑️How to activate new license in Tally Prime ? Tally Prime mai New License kaise Activate karen ?    • How to activate new license in Tally ...   ***************************************************************** Related Highlight Topics Discussed:- 0:00 -Introduction Purchase Order 5:30 -How to Activate Purchase Order, Receipt Note & Rejections Out Voucher 9:14 -How to create Purchase/Place Order Entry In Tally Prime 15:56 -How to check purchase order Outstanding 17:37 -How to Create Receipt Note Voucher Tally Prime 28:22 -Rejections Out Voucher Entry In Tally Prime 33:30 -Purchase Voucher/Purchase bill Pending Entry In Tally Prime 43:31 -How to Pre-Closed Order in purchase order processing 49:19 -Rejections Out-Purchase Order Complete but Defective Goods After Purchase Bill 53:34 -DEBIT NOTE:-Issued debit note against defective goods or Goods Return 55:44 -Purchase Order Outstanding & purchase Bills Pendings ,Orders Reports 57:13 -Payment Voucher Entry In Tally Prime #tallyprime #purchaseorder #TechTutorialsGyan