Use Multiple Price Levels

Use Multiple Price Levels

Multiple Price Level and Price list in Tally With GST
In Organization dealing with multiple products for sale, a list of all the item along with price details is maintained. Such list is called price list.
This price list is maintained for various buyers or customers. such as retailers, whole sellers, dealers etc.since price list is structured based on the classification of buyer it is referred at the time of making sales.Since the sale price to do change on the basis of time the change will have to appear in the price level list etc.
Therefore it is designed keeping in mind nature of buyers.There may be the customer who buys large quantity or high-value buyers.
 how to do it in the tally
Activate Price list and Define Price level
F11 : Features > F2 : Inventory Features.
” use Multiple > F2 : Inventory Level “set to YES”

Enter the detail such as

·         whole seller
·         Retail Sales
Example :
purchase 400 laptop bag costing Rs 800 each and standard selling rate to be fix 1200.
Now go to gateway of Tally >Inventory info > Price list: Stock Group name: All item select price level Retailer: type the date
a screen will appear not fill the detail as mention below

Go to Gateway of Tally >Inventory Info > Price list > stock group

Select all items from the list of groups
In the field of price level select wholesale sales from the list.
Now sold the above 25 laptop bag to Akash trader who is a retailer.
for creating Akash trader as a retailer
Go to a gateway of tally > accounts info > ledger > create >akash trader under: sundry debtors , under price list level select: retailer.

Now pass the entry of sales

go to the gateway of tally accounting voucher > F8 sales >
select the name of the party : Akash trader
the price level is automatically selected: retail
now select the stock item: laptop bag and in nos of quantity: type 25

Some time goods are sold with discount on the price list mention under such condition following process is applied

Example 2:
·         A ltd sold Rajdhani Atta price list 1000 when the retailer purchased less than or equal to 5 bag discount of 8% provided
·         when the retailer purchases Rajdhani Atta more than 5 bag and less than 20 nos of bag price list 1ooo and discount of 10% provided.
·         when the retailer purchases Rajdhani Atta more than 20 bag price list 1ooo and discount of 12% provided.
1.    GO to gateway of tally Inventory info >price list > all items >retailer >applicable date > 1/4/16

2.    In name of item select Rajdhani atta 10 kg bag
3.    in quantity from skip and in less than type 5 nos
4.    type the rate 1000 similar entries are made in another field as shown in below picture

1.    Now go to gateway of tally > accounting info > f8 sale >press Ctrl + V and ALt + I if not in item invoice mode
2.    F2 to date change
3.    In the party name select cash or party name
4.    in the name of item select stock item Rajdhani atta 10 kg
5.    in the quantity select quantity, the discount will be filled automatically as per nos of the stock item sold.

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